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Sunday 27 May 2012

New haircut!!

Just got a new haircut to prevent sweating too much tomorrow at Sungei Buloh!! XD

Friday 18 May 2012

JabbaWockeeZ performs on America's Got Talent

The first JABBAWOCKEEZ dance video officially posted!!

The Jabbawockeez LEAP!!!

                                              Define GRAVITY??
                                                                             Cool huh??

Chinese SA2 2012!!

I got A again!! So happy!!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

6 packs!!

It has been quite a LONGGGGG while scince I have written on my blog as it was the exams period!! But, the exams are finally over and I can write on this blog again!! A few days ago, my friend told me he had 6 packs! At first, I didn't beleive him, but after he showed it to me, I was inspired by the cool look of it. And now I have a new goal..... and that's training for my 6 packs by doing 40 sit-ups a day.....
Although it is tiring, I think it is worth it!! From now on, I will train till I get my 6 packs!!