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Monday 18 June 2012

Mission Five (Ax)

There was a planet called Auton. Millions of aliens lived on Auton and those aliens are called Brittins. Those Brittins lived happily till one night, darkness attacked..... Blade attacked Planet Auton causing almost every single Brittin to die. However, there was one brillant young Brittin, Ax who escaped to Planet Earth in a ship he invented..... Unfortunately, his ship crashed and he got injured. There, he met Tobias, Owl and Shadow who discovered him in the forest where he crashed and saved him. Ax was then invited into the team.

Saturday 16 June 2012

BBQ at house warming party @ Aunty Chris house

Just came back from house warming party! We had lots of fun at Aunty Chris house!! Dancing, BBQ and billard!!

Thursday 7 June 2012

Coming Soon.....

            Feel the steps..... It's coming..... I feel it coming....

One step, just one will do.....

                        STEP UP REVOLUTION

Step Up Revolution!!!

                    Coming Soon in Cinemas......


                                      Jabbawockeez on vacation??

Mission Five (Cherry)

Cherry is an orphan that was born with no parents as they died in a car accident. At least she thought so.  She was then adopted by a poor family which forced her to do illegal jobs like stealing and kidnapping. Through all this jobs she has turned rough and strong to fight. One night, she was forced to kill someone.... She could not withstand all this pressure anymore so she took two knifes and attacked her evil family instead..... And so, she was arrested and sentence to five years in jail for mudering her parents and injuring her brother. She trained all day and all night till the day she was released. She created her weapons, the repelling daggers and decided to fight for justice from that day onwards..... Soon, during one of the mission of Tobias, Shadow, Owl and Ax, Cherry saved them and was then invited to join them. She moves on her adventures and once, in her dreams, an old man claiming to be a sorcerer told Cherry that her destiny is to defeat dark evil, Blade. After that mysterious dream, she had the power of magic, to fight evil. In this chapter of her life, she uncovers dark secrets that she would wish she never found out.....

Sunday 3 June 2012

Mission Five (Will)

Will KillerX2 is the creation of Blade. Will works as a spy for Blade. Will is created in a human shape and has a large knife as his weapon. He is an android that shows no mercy unless he is out numbered. So don't mess with him!!

Friday 1 June 2012


               It's a plane, it's a bird, it's JabbaWockeez!!

Mission Five (Shadow)

In a land of myth and a time of magic, there was a place named Wildon where the wolfmen lived. There was the young and there was the old. The strong and weak lived together. Shadow and Jake were the sons of the pack's leader, Akela. Their pack had the power of the lightning orb. Shadow was always stronger than Jake. Jake, out of jealously, planned to steal the lightning orb. One of the cubs found out and told Akela. Jake was excecuted. Now, he comes back from the dead for his revenge.....

Mission Five (Tobias)

Tobias is the first member of Mission Five. He is a flamethrower that has the power to morph into a hawk. One night, during one of his missions, he got cursed by Blade and was stuck in the body of a hawk.
Now, Tobias has to get his true potential and break the curse and turn back to a human.

何維健 Derrick Hoh - 每時每刻 [官方 Official MV]