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Wednesday 25 April 2012

Listening Comprehension Examination 2012

Tommorow is my Listening Comprehension Examination!! I'm feeling so nevous!!
I hope I will get full marks!

Sunday 15 April 2012

The orphan of awkward falls

A girl named Josephine is not very glad about moving into awkward falls. One night, Josephine saw a suspicious character snooping around the house next door and she couldn't resist but to check it out. This descision changes her entire life. She finds out that the "things" living next door are wierd creatures, monsters and a genius kid called Thaddeus. Meanwhile, the most dangerous cannibal, Fetid Stenchly has escaped from the Asylum for the Dangerously Insane. In this adventure, Josephine and Thaddeus finds out about Thaddeus' mysterious secrets and truths. I find that this book is a very exciting book as it encourages us to continue reading the story. I hope everyone will know of this book and read it!!!

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Medicine Ball, 2kg!!!

Today, there was PE(Physical Education) and we had a competition against the class next door, 6 Innovation 11. The rules were quite easy. But the work was the one that was tough.
1) Take the 2kg ball, run to the volleyball net and go under it.
2) Do 10 sit-ups on the green matress while holding the 2kg ball on your chest.
3) Run to the game board and hit a target with the softball provided.
4) Earn 5 points for hitting each target.
5) Take the 2kg ball and run back to your class, giving the next person the ball to continue the game.

I found the sit-ups the most tough one as the 2kg ball was very heavy. After throwing the softball on the target, I forgotten to take the 2kg ball back and thus, I wasted quite some time that could be used to hit more targets.

Monday 9 April 2012

My friend, Juay Venn

Juay Venn's my friend. A very... SMART one but also mischeivious sometimes. He's the oldest in the class... but he's not the most mature one. Juay Venn is always getting into trouble. He loves to boast, and act as a matured guy, putting on a earring outside school. What's more he's the class monitor! And that's when Juay Venn gets a little responsible...
I hope Juay Venn will change his attitude towards his
teachers and get good results for the oncoming PSLE...
Work harder Juay Venn!!

Sunday 8 April 2012

Friday 6 April 2012

Getting Wet!

Today, Good Friday, my maid and I went to Wild Wild Wet to play. We went there and play at about 1pm until 5pm and then, went to change. Later, we ate at a food court and headed home. I was tired but happy as I had a wet and fun day!

Thursday 5 April 2012

The One That Got Away Cover (Tiffany Alvord & Chester See)

    Their voices rocks!!!

Food Fight

It was a long day when it was finally lunch time. As usual I usually love to play with the remaining ice in the cup of drink that someone had just finished drinking. I took the ice and threw it at a girl, Vivien(Viv).
After a while, I heard some people calling my name. I am immediately turned at look and look around.
There was a group of girls (Viv's friends) holding ice in their hands and firing them at me. Then the food fight started. We all had a fun time as all of us were wet. One of the girls, Hwee Hwee issued me a challenge for a food fight on Monday. I can't wait for the next fight! It's going to be a very fun time!

Megan Nicole and Tiffany Alvord Cover (Safe and Sound)

Love their covers....

Wednesday 4 April 2012


PSLE is this year... time flies... Am I happy or sad?? Maybe... BOTH!!
I hate it when exams comes. Especially important ones. But I'm just GLAD I'm graduating this year!!
Although, there's so much homework and stress, I can still cope it. I've got 3As and 1D for my maths....
I really have to buck up and get at least an A or B by the time it's PSLE to get into my Dream School.
And the best part of PSLE, is after the exams!!! Can't wait for the holidays so I can have fun!!
Imagine all the things I can do after PSLE!

Unsolved Problem (We are in trouble)

Problems always come in one by one.... Starting with friendship... Does friendship has to be a so-called "brother" relationship?? My friend or maybe "brother" is in trouble and we want to help him as a friend not a "brother". But this problem is a big one... a very big one. It spreads to all the other problems that has already past for quite a long time... creating more problems and troubles.... we really want to help him but we think is hopeless... Why don't we just let him sacrifice himself and let everyone learn a lesson?? But, like I said... it's friendship. All I know is that all of us are in trouble... Everyday, new obsticles stop us... and some obsticles repeat itself... and some obsticles remain forever... you can't change it any more even if you wanted to... I wish I didn't meet him... He changed almost everything....
Gary, I wished I could help... I'm sorry....

Tuesday 3 April 2012


Every time people say that following our dreams is no. 1. But people think that its an easy stuff... Actually, it depends on your courage.... What's my dream??
Singing?? Neh.... It's kinda like street dance... but i can't do any special stunts....
Volleyball?? Maybe it's just a favourite sport...
Parkour?? Hmmm... Maybe a little...
Every boy dreams to have powers one day... be a superhero... but everyone knows its impossible....
But maybe it is. A superhero with no powers... Just need strength, speed, courage....
or maybe your dream is just to get the girl of your dreams... and the superhero dream might just come in... There are so many dreams I want to chase.. but how will I do it??

I'm Confused....

I have to choose a side.... Neither side is good... is a fake family willig to sacrifice for?? I'm just confused.... What's my next step??