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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Unsolved Problem (We are in trouble)

Problems always come in one by one.... Starting with friendship... Does friendship has to be a so-called "brother" relationship?? My friend or maybe "brother" is in trouble and we want to help him as a friend not a "brother". But this problem is a big one... a very big one. It spreads to all the other problems that has already past for quite a long time... creating more problems and troubles.... we really want to help him but we think is hopeless... Why don't we just let him sacrifice himself and let everyone learn a lesson?? But, like I said... it's friendship. All I know is that all of us are in trouble... Everyday, new obsticles stop us... and some obsticles repeat itself... and some obsticles remain forever... you can't change it any more even if you wanted to... I wish I didn't meet him... He changed almost everything....
Gary, I wished I could help... I'm sorry....

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