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Monday 15 April 2013


I might be changing schools... I can't bear to leave some of my friends... But I want a new life... Where I would start afresh... I'm like hopeless... Well, someday I'll stand tall again.. But not at these moment... I want a new life... But I can't bear to leave... I wish I was never here... Or maybe... I was just a little innocent kid...? I'm lost... On a stranded island... Running in the dark forest... From truths... Truths that I never wanted to face... Truths that are too... I just can't face it... I'm sorry for myself... Sorry to everyone who had hope in me.... I'm sorry...


I can both feel happy maybe? But sad. Disappointed. This journey hasn't brought me anywhere... At least not yet... Love or Infatuation has taught me alot... Love is something that won't happen overnight... So stop dreaming the impossible... Too much concern has been put on dance, bboy, jrwockeez or... Maybe even love?? I'm sorry for myself... I just found out a few days ago that... I have the worst results in the secondary one level... I'm devastated... Confused... Once again... I feel like dying now... But I just want to be saved...

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Slapped Damian

Shit. Going to get scolded by my teacher, ms tham tomorrow bcoZ I slapped my classmate, Damian... :/

Tuesday 2 April 2013

In Love. Again. Or is it... Infatuation?

New school new life. Everything has changed. I have new friends. Awesome ones and douchebags.... Our crew has brought us to another level... But... I'm in love with the crew leader Stacey... Her character is awesome.... Her looks... Ok ok... But... She likes another guy... Darren.. I didn't like him at first... But I realized that he's a good guy... She has another suitor, Zachary... He's not a good guy... I have to prevent them from getting together... B DIVISION, has got together.. All the breakdance frm our class, we get togther, as a family... I'm disappointed... Life has changed. Can I cope? Or can I live on in joy?