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Wednesday 29 May 2013

The Best?

MYE results are out... I didn't do so well as expected... But I feel that I've tried very hard... But is it my best?? I'm not so sure either... But at least I've changed... I don't use my phone so often, I try my best to stay focus in class, and complete my work on time... But my parents just can't see it... They don't see the change.... Like... AT ALL... I've gotta prove them wrong... But... Can I?

Life Update.

I've changed a lot... And so have the people around me... I no longer have anger management problems... Which is a good thing... But my results have dropped... My conduct grade has definitely improved but for academic, it's shooting down like a meteoroid... I'm really working hard to pull my academic results up... Lets hope I succeed.. ;)
For my love/like life, I still have a crush on Stace... But I'm not sure if I love or like her?? Other than that, I'm doing fine... :) Or am I?
Life is unpredictable. So, who knows what will be in my life update??
Bye now.
Signing off on the 965 bus, on the way to school...

Monday 27 May 2013


I feel troubled now... I did very badly for higher chinese by getting an F9... I going to drop HMT... But how do I break it to my parents...?? Life is indeed a journey. We travel in it and learn many new things. I would really say that I've learnt many lessons, gone through many joy and sorrow and have learnt to be a better person... But how long will that last?

Saturday 25 May 2013

Mini Groovers?

Not long ago, I found this Singapore dance crew. Although not famous, but they are a crew of bonded kids around my age, being serious about dancing... I envy them so much now that I'm out of jrwockeez... Wish I can join them and be an awesome and skilled bboy... But is it even possible?? >~<

Wednesday 22 May 2013

What is Love?

To me, love is caring. It is so strong that sacrifices could be made... But if u haven't been through anything that requires sacrificing and we just think that we love, how do we truly know that we're loving?? We often fancy others... Saying we like them... And other stuffs... Some succeed, some fail... But people fail to define the meaning of Love... Today, I shall ask... What is Love?

Looking for a new "job"...

I'm out of b-boy carrier.. ZH is trying to get me into bike stunts... But I guess... U can't forget dreams u pursued with them. The initial and first crew, forever mighty, jrwockeez.

Back on that island?

I wouldn't say that we're close... But at least close enough... There it is... A helicopter... I could take me off the island. I ran as fast as I could... Screamed as loud as I could... It seemed to have spotted me... My heart warmed as it flew towards me... That close... And it just... Crashed... There goes my hope. My final hope to live. I was so close, but far at the same time... Back to the same topic.. Is it love..? Or infatuation? So close but yet so far... There are many answers in life for u to find out... But like I always say... There are truths that we might never want to find out. Cause they're just gonna hurt. Like an arrow piercing your heart. "A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step." I've taken that single step. But it's almost impossible to move on. To continue my journey which I'm not sure if I'll come to an end... And I'm not even sure if I want to reach my peak... Not even knowing if the peak is going to kill... Or save me... What's on the peak exactly...? Is it worth climbing and moving on for??

Thursday 16 May 2013

Dreams (2)??

I dunno how many times I've been writing about this... But I think it's the second time... First of all, I would like to say again that I've "retired" from bboying... It's a big loss... But I'm sure I've learnt and had fun... So here's the fixed goal that's still fixed: I will be putting in all my effort into YTWO and my studies, study hard, get good results and be a lawyer. I would then open a cafe, name "The Coffee House". I would also want to learn to be a barista and hire a trusted friend to help me out when I'm back at the law firm. Students with acceptable results and are looking for a part time job can come to my cafe to work as waiters after school and during the holidays. I will also apply to learn martial arts and boxing. This is my dream. My goal. And I'm going to work towards it. Let's hope this works out... ^^

Wednesday 15 May 2013

I'm really out.

It's been 2 weeks since I'm out if jrwockeez... I'm speechless... Guess I'll just have to wait and see...

Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Truth.

I shall be frank with u... I used to have anger management problems... Even worse that what I did this morning... I nvr tried erupting it this sku... But... I tink this is the first time I rage here?? I've lost many friends in my primary school... And I wasn't a good feeling.... I just want to start afresh... In a new school.... I'm sorry for being bossy... But I just wanted Jr. WockeeZ to be the best... Just us, dancing together... As one... Now I'm missing all of you.... Alot... T^T

Thursday 2 May 2013

What am I supposed to do??

I'm like the only one concerned about jrwockeez performance and practices... I know I will get through this... But just not now... I'm trying to get them together for trainings... But they have a whole lot of excuses.... We just have another 4 more months.... And it's like they don't even are... I'm on my own now... What am I supposed to do??