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Wednesday 22 May 2013

Back on that island?

I wouldn't say that we're close... But at least close enough... There it is... A helicopter... I could take me off the island. I ran as fast as I could... Screamed as loud as I could... It seemed to have spotted me... My heart warmed as it flew towards me... That close... And it just... Crashed... There goes my hope. My final hope to live. I was so close, but far at the same time... Back to the same topic.. Is it love..? Or infatuation? So close but yet so far... There are many answers in life for u to find out... But like I always say... There are truths that we might never want to find out. Cause they're just gonna hurt. Like an arrow piercing your heart. "A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step." I've taken that single step. But it's almost impossible to move on. To continue my journey which I'm not sure if I'll come to an end... And I'm not even sure if I want to reach my peak... Not even knowing if the peak is going to kill... Or save me... What's on the peak exactly...? Is it worth climbing and moving on for??

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