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Thursday 16 May 2013

Dreams (2)??

I dunno how many times I've been writing about this... But I think it's the second time... First of all, I would like to say again that I've "retired" from bboying... It's a big loss... But I'm sure I've learnt and had fun... So here's the fixed goal that's still fixed: I will be putting in all my effort into YTWO and my studies, study hard, get good results and be a lawyer. I would then open a cafe, name "The Coffee House". I would also want to learn to be a barista and hire a trusted friend to help me out when I'm back at the law firm. Students with acceptable results and are looking for a part time job can come to my cafe to work as waiters after school and during the holidays. I will also apply to learn martial arts and boxing. This is my dream. My goal. And I'm going to work towards it. Let's hope this works out... ^^

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